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When using dependency injection, you rely on the container to inject your objects dependencies instead of creating them yourself during execution. For example:

Without using dependency injection I would have to write something like this:

public class ATMTransferService {

    private AccountDAO accountDAO;

    public void transfer(Account from, Account to){
    AccountDAO accountDAO = new AccountDAO();
    ...Code that transfers money from one account to another and saves it...

Notice that I had to instantiate accountDAO myself, and the responsibility of getting my dependancies was handled by myself.

By using spring or some other framework that allows for DI, I would transfer that responsibility tothe container, by writing something like:

<bean id="ATMTransfer" class="com.example.ATMTransferService" >
    <property name="accountDAO" ref="AccDAO" />

<bean id="AccDAO" class="com.model.AccountDAO">
    <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessFac"

<bean id="sessFac" class="..."
     //Dependencies required for the cration fo session factory.

Now my class would like like this: public class ATMTransferService { private AccountDAO accountDAO;

public void transfer(Account from, Account to){
    ...Code that transfers money from one account to another and saves it...

In this case, I've ommited the AccountDAO class, but it would have a dependency on a SessionFactory. You could also use a pre-defined constructor instead of using the default constructor by specifying it on the xml configuration.

I hope i haven't simplified it too much, once the benefits of dependency injection are greater than this, you could swap implementation classes by just modifying an xml configuration for starters. You also get a much cleaner code once you remove dependency creation code from your business classes. It is really a great manner to promote interface oriented programming.

于 2012-05-04T17:33:58.020 回答

这篇文章有一个非常好的使用注解的基本 Java 示例


这里通过简单的 Java 示例非常清楚地介绍了 DI 的基础知识


于 2012-05-04T17:14:05.577 回答