如果您更新 HTML 以在每个字母周围添加某种类型的包装元素,则可以依次为每个字母设置动画。然后你只需要遍历这些字母并一次一个地为它们设置动画。
//setup a counter to keep our place and cache a selection to the letter wrappers
var counter = 0,
$chars = $(".test").children();
//setup an interval to animate a letter every so often
setInterval(function () {
//select the current letter wrapper and animate it
$chars.eq(counter).effect( "bounce", {times:1}, 500 );
//increment the counter so we animate the next letter next time around
//check if the counter still relates to an index of the $chars collection
if (counter >= $chars.length) {
counter = 0;
}, 250);
这假设 HTML 结构如下:
<div class="test">
这是一个演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/jb9mt/6/
效果 ( ui-effects-wrapper
) 显示内联时,我必须更新添加到 HTML 结构中的 jQueryUI 包装器元素的 CSS:
.ui-effects-wrapper {
display : inline-block;