参考这个问题:Efficient way of read a file into an std::vector<char>? 我需要一个执行以下操作的函数:

void readFromFile( std::vector< unsigned char >& buffer,
                   string filename,
                   size_t offset, size_t count );


void readFromFile( std::vector< unsigned char >& buffer,
                   string filename,
                   size_t offset, size_t count )
    // get file size and reallocate the buffer
    size_t fsize = filesize( filename );
    buffer.reserve( buffer.size() + size );

    // open the file
    ifstream file( filename );

    // first way
    file.seekg( offset );
    file.read( ???? )

    // second way
    istreambuf_iterator< unsigned char > from( file );
    istreambuf_iterator< unsigned char > eof;

    advance( from, offset );
    copy( from, eof, back_inserter( buffer );




感谢@Ben Voigt


inline std::streamsize filesize( const std::string& filename )
    std::ifstream in( filename, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary );
    if ( !in ) throw std::invalid_argument
        "filesize error: invalid filename"

    in.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::end );
    return in.tellg();

    // here the file is closed. so no need to restore the get pointer

inline std::streamsize filesize( std::ifstream& file )
    file.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::end );
    const auto size = file.tellg();
    file.seekg( 0 );      // restore the get pointer
    return size;

template< typename RAIter >
inline void read_file( std::istream& file,
                       RAIter first, RAIter last,
                       std::streamsize offset = 0
    const auto size = last - first;
    file.seekg( offset, std::ifstream::beg );
    file.read( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &*first ), size );

inline void read_file( std::istream& file,
                       unsigned char*  first, unsigned char*  last,
                       std::streamsize offset /*= 0 no default argument in template spacalization. */
    const auto size = last - first;
    file.seekg( offset, std::ifstream::beg );
    file.read( reinterpret_cast< char* >( first ), size );


vector< unsigned char > buffer;
// do something with buffer

const string filename{ "blabla" };

const auto size = filesize( filename );

// resize the buffer
auto const OLD_LEN = buffer.size();
buffer.resize( OLD_LEN + size );

size_t startOffset = 0;       // from where to star reading from file
size_t cont = size;           // how manny bytes read from file

// read filename from startOffset to startOffset + count, appendeing in buffer
ifstream file( filename );
read_file( file,
           buffer.data() + OLD_LEN,
           buffer.data() + OLD_LEN + count,

2 回答 2

auto old_end = buffer.size();
buffer.resize( old_end + blocksize );


file.read( &buffer[old_end], blocksize );
auto actual_size = file.gcount;
if (actual_size < blocksize) buffer.resize(old_end + actual_size);
于 2013-08-28T18:53:44.587 回答


char * arr;
int len;
// Function that opens a file, needing the file name
void openFile(const char* fileName)
ifstream file(fileName, ios::in);

if(!file.is_open()) return;

file.seekg(0, file.end);
    // Get the length of the file
len = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, file.beg);

arr = new char[len];
file.read(arr, len);


之后,您可以将 char 数组推入向量中。

于 2013-08-28T18:48:51.297 回答