I want to download 1000 files from the directory:


However, I don't have permission to access that folder directly.

Instead, the webpage http://www.domain.com/myfiles/index.html contains links to 100 further pages. Each of these pages has links to 10 files that I want to download (making up the 1000 in that first folder).

Because the files I want are stored in a different subdomain to the page, I seem to have to set spanning hosts on or otherwise wget won't get the files. Unfortunately that pages also contain a bunch of links to files that I don't want, as well as loads of links to the rest of the internet, so spanning hosts gives me a bunch of random files from all over the place.

How do tell wget just to get the files from that first directory?


1 回答 1



wget -rH -Dserver.com http://www.server.com/


于 2013-08-31T02:55:48.270 回答