I have made a program so that the user can track there fantasy football team the code below is from one of the forms that allows the user to pick their team under a specific set of rules. The issue here is not writing to the file it is reading from the file that was written too.

This file is in my resources and it contains the players the user entered. The issue is that the user has to access this text file and at this point it does not matter if the user can access edit the file or not this is a personal project for one person; however the way I have it set up this program will only run on my computer since the path I would use is the full path from the text files properties.

I have tried using the properties.Resources.resource as seen below and most recently I have tried using Application.StartupPath + "/FantasyFootball.txt". I still have not yet tried reflection because I am not sure if reflection is needed for this. The idea should be that I publish this program and it should work on any computer;however I get an exception when I try and run it outside of visual studio that the AppData folder could not be found.

So the question now is what actually happens when I press the publish button in visual studio? I get the setup file and the application files folder and the actual.application file and this ends up in my bin folder in the release folder in the app.Publish folder. I do not yet have the experience to know what this all means or what to do with it any suggestions?

private void btnShowRoster_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string masterRosterPath = Properties.Resources.FantasyFootball;/*
        this is where the problem is I am not sure what to make the path
        so that the user will be able to acess the file*/

 FileStream fs = new FileStream(masterRosterPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
        string playerIn;
        string[] fields;
        playerIn = sr.ReadLine();
        const char DELIM = ',';
        string player = " ";

        while (playerIn != null)
            fields = playerIn.Split(DELIM);
            player = Convert.ToString(fields[0]);

            playerIn = sr.ReadLine();
        btnShowRoster.Enabled = false;
        MessageBox.Show("Click on a player to add them to your team", "Choose Team", MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);

1 回答 1


根据我从您的问题中收集到的信息,您正在尝试访问您在项目的 Resources 文件夹中导入的文件。



string masterRosterPath = Properties.Resources.FantasyFootball;






如果您只有几个关于一个玩家的字段要保存,您甚至可以考虑将它们完全设置为设置。这将使它们易于管理和访问。您还应该注意,这些设置也可以在您的应用程序之外进行编辑,因为它们会自动保存为 XML 文件,隐藏在 AppData 文件夹中。当应用程序启动时,将为正确的用户加载设置。

如果这听起来很有趣,请查看有关使用应用程序设置和用户设置的 MSDN


于 2013-08-28T00:02:08.847 回答