I have been working on a portfolio site called maxmythic.com using AngularJS and have managed to get it to show up good in everything but IE 8 and 7 (I'm not even bothering with IE 6). I even added all the IE8 AngularJS fixes found http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/ie and http://henriquat.re/appendix/angularjs-and-ie8/necessary-changes-for-ie8-compatibility.html I thought those fixes would make it work but its seems like nothing changed.

At http://maxmythic.com/ and http://maxmythic.com/design, a 3 x 6 grid of 'design tile' divs (with titles and background images) are supposed to display. It gets created by ng-repeat in the Angular view called design.html

<section ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="main">
  <a href="#" ng-repeat="tile in designTiles" ng-href="{{tile.url}}" class="{{tile.bgImageClass}}">
    <div ng-mouseenter="blankBar='blueBar'" ng-mouseleave="blankBar = 'blankBar'" class="tile-info">
    <div class="blankBar" ng-class="blankBar"></div>
      <h3 class="tile_title">{{tile.title}}</h3>

In IE 8, ngRepeat will seem to overwrite each design tile div with the next design tile div in the order they appear in my designTile object list

  .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.designTiles = [
        url : '/design/vance-and-gary-unhinged',
        bgImageClass : 'vance-and-gary-unhinged',
        title : 'Vance & Gary Unhinged',
        // use : 'Album Art'
        url : '/design/dam-funk',
        bgImageClass : 'dam-funk',
        title : 'Dam-Funk',
        // use : 'Logo'
        url : '/design/various-sketches',
        bgImageClass : 'various-sketches',
        title : 'Various Sketches',
        // use : 'Logo'
        url : '/design/maxmythic-dot-com',
        bgImageClass : 'maxmythic-dot-com',
        title : 'maxmythic.com',
        // use : 'Logo'

As the page is loading, I can see the first one appear but, as soon as it appears, it gets replaced by the next one. Only one design tile div is ever seen at one time and ultimately the last design tile equates to the last object in the the designTile list which is:

  url : '/design/maxmythic-dot-com',
  bgImageClass : 'maxmythic-dot-com',
  title : 'maxmythic.com',

If I look into IE's developer tools HTML tab I see what seems to be a messed up out of order DOM and look, you can see all the 18 design tile divs displayed there. It all looks like this

enter image description here

So none of the design tiles show up there but if I look at the original source it looks totally different. In fact, the <section> element that contains the list of design tile divs does not even appear.

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Additionally, IE 8 throws the following error

TypeError: Unable to get value of the property 'childNodes': object is null or undefinedundefined 

Another funny thing is that if I enter http://maxmythic.com into the address bar, IE8 will add a # (hashtag) turning that original URL into http://maxmythic.com/#/. This screws up the pretty URL structure I had going with HTML5 mode.

On top of all of that 98% of my CSS is not being applied to the html. Maybe that is a separate question all together but I thought I'd mention it just in case anyone had run into all of these issues before and had a solution.

All of the site's files can be viewed at my gh-pages repo here https://github.com/siddhion/maxmythic/tree/gh-pages

Any ideas on what is going on here and how to solve it?


4 回答 4


我目前正在做一个 AngularJs 项目,我们还需要支持 IE8。


我查看了您的代码,我可以看到您包含了一些使 AngularJs 与 IE 8 一起工作的东西。

但同时我认为您错过了一些内容,因此值得再次查看此页面 - AngularJs IE

由于我们正在处理一个非常不可靠的浏览器,如 IE 8,我强烈建议您逐字按照页面上的说明进行操作。

例如:我在上面的代码中没有找到这一行 <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org">

你也写了这一行 <body id="ng-app" ng-app="maxmythicApp">

但是官方页面建议使用这种格式: <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org" id="ng-app" ng-app="optionalModuleName">


这些细节对于现代(和体面的)浏览器可能不会有太大的不同,但我们谈论的是IE 8,所以每一个小细节都很重要 - (“按书行事”)。

关于哈希(#),这是 AngularJs 的正常行为。AngularJS 提供了两种配置模式来控制 URL 的格式:Hashbang 模式(默认)和基于使用 HTML5 History API的HTML5 模式。

IE8 显然不支持 HTML 5 历史 API,因此使用了 Hashbang 模式。



于 2013-08-27T22:44:20.277 回答

我解决了这个问题,我清除了所有 DOM 的类和 id,只清除了所有 jquery 事件侦听器。也许在渲染 angular 脚本之前执行了一些 jquery 函数。因此 ng-repeat 不能正常工作。

于 2013-12-04T07:48:17.613 回答

我还想补充一点,添加到 URL 的 /# 将发生在 IE8 中,因为 IE8 不支持 HTML5 pushState API,因此它使用回退散列片段机制。

于 2013-08-27T22:46:17.810 回答

尝试删除 $scope.designTiles 数组中的尾随逗号。

正如其他人所说,IE8 将始终在 html5 模式下使用主题标签。

于 2014-03-07T14:23:10.803 回答