I would like to know which libray offers the possiblity of manipulate object over an image with his mouse.

For example in Gimp, you can create a line in choosing the start point and the end point.

I heard about GooCanvas, but I'm not sure it is possible to do that with it.

I would like to know which librayr can I use to implement that in a gtk application in C?



1 回答 1


Use GTK3 with cairo (i.e. cairographics). e.g. GtkDrawingArea. See zetcode tutorials on GTK & cairo.

NB: GooCanvas is probably obsolete with GTK 3

GTK3 will be useful for mouse related things, and Cairo for drawing.

You could consider also libSDL instead.

于 2013-08-27T17:00:44.413 回答