可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但是如何在 Ubuntu 服务器上的 curl 中启用 UDP?我正在尝试设置一个 torrent 跟踪器,但它无法从任何其他跟踪器中抓取。当我在 SSH Putty 中使用任何 UDP url 运行 Curl 命令时,它会给出以下消息:

libcurl 中不支持或禁用协议 UDP


1 回答 1


Nothing's a dumb question if it means you'll learn from it. When I look at the cURL homepage, I don't see UDP as a listed protocol. And the resources online don't return many relevant results from what I can see.

Have you considered looking into anything for connecting to sockets?

Not sure how extensive your language knowledge base is, but here's a tutorial to consider: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-sock2/

Additionally, NodeJS UDP might have a smaller learning curve depending on what you're familiar with.

于 2013-08-27T02:21:29.883 回答