I'm using the AccuRev pre-promote trigger to implement a customized promotion policy check. AccuRev provides a trigger parameters file if the promotions are from a workspace to the stream. I'm able to successfully access this file and the policy works well for workspace to stream promotions. I'm looking for a similar strategy for stream-to-stream promotions (i.e. hook into something that gives me information such as the user who is promoting the issues, a list of issues that are getting promoted, or the source/destination stream) but no luck so far.

Is there AccuRev-provided data similar to the trigger parameters file for stream-to-stream promotions?

If not, any tips on how to approach this?


2 回答 2


如前所述,您需要使用 server_preop_trig 触发器来执行任何类型的策略。有一个用 Perl 编写的功能示例触发器脚本,您可以使用它来快速开始您想做的事情。此外,AccuRev 管理员指南中有一个完整记录如何启用触发器的部分。

于 2013-09-04T13:18:52.747 回答

您是否启用了 server_preop_trig.pl 触发器?


此触发器可以在服务器上的“accurev install dir”/examples 下找到。

如果您启用了它,请查看“accurev install dir”/storage/site_slice/triggers

于 2013-08-27T14:15:28.563 回答