I am using MS Access for database Administration. I have seeveral linked tables producing different reports. I have already found a similar question on stackoverflow and did my reaserach on this issue. I am trying to paint rows according to conditions (Duration <20 Paint Beige, 2060 Red)
I am using VBasic. This is my code.
Please let me know what you think. Many thanks for your help!
Sub ChangeBackType()
Me.Date.BackStyle = 1
Me.Cell.BackStyle = 1
Me.Maintenance_Category.BackStyle = 1
Me.Duration.BackStyle = 1
Me.Line_Description.BackStyle = 1
Me.Machine_Description.BackStyle = 1
Me.Station_Number.BackStyle = 1
Me.Fault_Description.BackStyle = 1
Me.GM.BackStyle = 1
Me.Remarks.BackStyle = 1
Me.Intervention.BackStyle = 1
Me.Technician_Name.BackStyle = 1
Me.Shop_Floor.BackStyle = 1
End Sub
Sub Paint_Rows_Red()
'Same method for other colours
Me.Date.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Cell.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Maintenance_Category.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Duration.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Line_Description.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Machine_Description.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Station_Number.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Fault_Description.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Intervention.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.GM.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Remarks.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Technician_Name.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
Me.Shop_Floor.BackColor = RGB(255, 29, 29)
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim Test As String
Test = TestString2
TestString2 = Me!Duration.Value
TestString2 = FormatDateTime(TestString2, vbShortTime)
If TestString2 <= CDate("00:20") Then
ElseIf TestString2 > CDate("00:20") And TestString2 < CDate("00:60") Then
ElseIf TestString2 >= CDate("00:60") Then
End If
I am trying to paint rows according to the condition mentioned above in a report. With this code I am only getting one colour..