his tutorial Introduction to In App Purchases http://www.raywenderlich.com/21081/introduction-to-in-app-purchases-in-ios-6-tutorial

how can I check if something is purchased? I want to check this with an if-statement. So, when "this" is bought, then do this and so on. I can't figure out what to write for the if-statement for the life of me.

can someone please answer this question explicitly? i have seen it posted in a few different places but none of the answers are straightforward enough for a complete novice like myself to comprehend. I found the exact same question here but the answer made no sense to me Check which product the user bought on an In-App Purchase

specifically, what is the code to do this part
"The resources zip for this tutorial contain images for all of the the comics, so if you’re so inclined you can wrap it up by showing the comic in a new view controller when a purchased row is tapped! If you want to do this, you can just check if the productIdentifier is in the purchasedProducts array of the InAppRageIAPHelper before allowing the user access to the content."

I have everything working perfect from the tutorial, i just dont know how to use it.

i have a main menu view controller that has 3 buttons. i want to disable 2 of the buttons by default, but if the user has purchased the respective products, then i want to enable the buttons. i know it has something to do with NSUSerDefaults but I am very dense and am not able to understand a lot of the implicit answers people give for this question. If someone could spell it out for me I would be very grateful.

Thank you


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