I'd like to store (about 100 to 1000) different relations of type <Object A, Relation R, Object B> in a set or multiset. I'd like to be able to search for A and (A,R), but not for (A,R,B) (and there will be only a few (<5) relations with the same A and R, so linear search if fine then).

Is it better to store the relations in a set (ordered by A, R and B) or to store them in a multiset ordered by A and R?

Edit: I've looked into hash tables, but their iteration isn't as fast as (ordered) set iteration, and the pattern matching requires a lot of iteration too. (It will have to search once to find the start of the iteration and then iterate until all relations with the same object A are done.)

Thanks, Ragnar


1 回答 1


从我收集的评论中,您必须查找完全匹配的 A 或 (A, R) 对。

如果这是正确的,您可以做的最好的事情是使用两个哈希表:一个以 A 作为键,另一个以 (A, R) 作为键。关系本身可以存储在未排序的向量中,并将它们的索引插入到两个哈希表中。这是您为查找任务获得 O(1) 复杂性的唯一方法。

拥有两个独立的索引结构对性能至关重要:如果仅使用 A 作为键,则在查找 (A, R) 对时,您将获得必须搜索合适 R 的对象列表。在相反的情况下,如果您只有 (A, R) 键,您将无法在 O(1) 时间内仅查找某个 A。

于 2013-08-25T20:03:37.300 回答