我是 python 新手,正在尝试创建一个程序来测试一些对象创建方法。目前,我正在编写一个程序,该程序涉及创建对象,给它们一个唯一的数字变量,并将它们分配给一个列表以供将来参考。这是我为创建变量名而编写的内容:

def getRectangleName():
    rectName = list("Rectangle")
    return rectName

然后将其传递给某些东西以将该字符串转换为变量名。我尝试了 eval(),发现由于某种原因这很糟糕,但无论如何它都不起作用,并尝试了一些解决方法无济于事。


对象本身有一个 X 和 Y,因此它们可以作为在屏幕上显示矩形的参考点(未来的想法是让每个对象自己移动,所以只需制作 X 和 Y 的列表来绘制矩形没用)。




4 回答 4


The problem is that I don't know how to give each object its own variable to put it on a list for future referencing.

Whenever you think you need variables you didn't type into your program, you're doing something wrong. You don't need to assign something to a variable to put it on a list:

x = [1, 2, 3]                 # Note how I don't assign 1, 2, or 3 to variables.
x.append(4)                   # 4 doesn't get a variable either.
x.append(make_a_rectangle())  # We create a rectangle and stick it on the list.
do_stuff_with(x[4])           # We pass the rectangle to a function.

x = []                            # New list.
for i in xrange(n):
    x.append(make_a_rectangle())  # This happens n times.
# At this point, we have n rectangles, none of them associated with their own
# variable, none of them with a name.

If you think you need names for things (and quite often, you don't really need the names), you can use a dict:

x = {}
x['foo'] = make_a_rectangle()
于 2013-08-24T04:24:28.157 回答



class Rectangle (object): 
    def __init__(self, top, bottom, left, right):
       self.Top = top
       self.Left = left
       self.Right = right
       self.Bottom = bottom

list_of_rects = [Rectangle(10,0,0,10), Rectangle(20, 10, 10 ,20)]

# how many rects?  
# result: 2

# where is this particular rect?
fred = Rectangle(30,20,20, 30)
list_of_rects.insert(fred, 1)
# result: 1

#remove an item from the list:

#search the list:
right_of_5 = [rect for rect in list_of_rects if rect.Left > 5]


1)需要 rect 的代码只保留对它的引用:

class Goal(object):
   def __init__(self, rect):
      self.Rect = rect

goalrect =  Rectangle (0,0,20,20)
mygoal = Goal(goalrect)

# now goalrect always knows about it's own rect, but the list can keep track of it too...


named_rects = {}
named_rects['goal'] = Rectangle(0,0,20,20)


# add to the dict:
named_rects['new_rect'] = Rectangle(90,90,95,95)

# remove
del named_rects['new_rect']

# find = is there a known key?
if 'new_rect' in named_rects: print new_rect

# search:
right_of_5 = [rect for rect in named_rects.items() if rect.Left > 5]


于 2013-08-24T05:30:17.173 回答

If you really want to refer to your rectangle instances by name, I would suggest to keep a dictionary at class level. Something like this:

#! /usr/bin/python3

from threading import Lock
import random

class Rectangle:
    instances = {}
    lock = Lock ()

    def forName (cls, name):
        return cls.instances [name] if name in cls.instances else None

    def push (cls, inst):
        with cls.lock:
            name = None
            while not name or name in cls.instances:
                name = ''.join (random.choice ('abcdefghij') for i in range (16) )
            cls.instances [name] = inst
            return name

    def __init__ (self):
        self.name = Rectangle.push (self)

names = [Rectangle ().name for i in range (5) ]

for name in names:
    print (name, Rectangle.forName (name) )
于 2013-08-24T04:26:28.857 回答


class MainClass:
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        self.__dict__[name] = value

def getRectangleNameGenerator(N = 10):
    X = 0
    while X <= N:
        X += 1
        yield "Rectangle" + str(X)
RectangleName = getRectangleNameGenerator()

ClassInstances = {next(RectangleName) : MainClass}
ClassInstances[next(RectangleName)] = MainClass

ClassInstances["Rectangle1"].Temp = 10
print ClassInstances["Rectangle1"].Temp

如果班级只有 X 和 Y,

class MainClass:
    X, Y = 0, 0

def getRectangleNameGenerator(N = 10):
    X = 0
    while X <= N:
        X += 1
        yield "Rectangle" + str(X)
RectangleName = getRectangleNameGenerator()

ClassInstances = {next(RectangleName) : MainClass}
ClassInstances[next(RectangleName)] = MainClass

ClassInstances["Rectangle1"].X = 11
print ClassInstances["Rectangle1"].X
于 2013-08-24T04:58:01.823 回答