
[self schedule:@selector(gameLoop:) interval: 1/60.0f];


[self schedule:@selector(gameLoop:)];


- (void)gameLoop :(ccTime)dt
    [self manageCannon:dt];
    [self manageBullets:dt];
    [self manageEnemies:dt];
    [self manageAllies:dt];
- (void) manageEnemies :(ccTime)dt
    enemyClass *tempEnemy;
    for(int i = 0; i < [enemies count]; i++)
        tempEnemy = [enemyClass new];
        tempEnemy = [enemies objectAtIndex:i];

        tempEnemy.position = ccp(tempEnemy.position.x-tempEnemy.speed*dt,tempEnemy.position.y);

        if((tempEnemy.position.x - tempEnemy.range) < [wall getwally])
            tempEnemy.speed = 0;
        if(tempEnemy.health < 1)
            tempEnemy.alive = false;

        if(tempEnemy.alive == false)
            [enemies removeObjectAtIndex:i];
            [tempEnemy removeFromParentAndCleanup:true];



1 回答 1


It's hard to say what is slowing down your app from the information given. As LearnCocos2D suggested, you can use Instruments to figure out where the slow stuff is. Or if you want to get very granular analysis, you can always use the following macros in your code:

#define TIC start = [NSDate date]
#define TOC -[start timeIntervalSinceNow]
#define TOCP NSLog(@"TIME: %f", TOC)

Before using, be sure to declare NSDate *start in scope of use. Then just put a series of TIC/TOC or TIC/TOCP pairs in your code to print out times your code is taking in different places. You can very quickly find the bottlenecks this way.

于 2013-08-24T07:23:24.810 回答