我的 Access 数据库中有一个名为的表,Historical_Stock_Prices
我已经在我的 Access 数据库的 SQL 视图中编写了以下查询,它在 Access 中工作。
SELECT MinMaxYrQtrDates.YrQtr, MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker, MinMaxYrQtrDates.MaxDate, [Historical Prices].Close, MinMaxYrQtrDates.MinDate, [Historical Prices_1].Open, ([Historical Prices].[Close]/[Historical Prices_1].[Open]-1)*100 AS GrowthRate
FROM [Historical Prices] AS [Historical Prices_1] INNER JOIN ([Historical Prices] INNER JOIN [SELECT Year([Date]) & "-" & DatePart("q",[Date]) AS YrQtr, [Historical Prices].Ticker, Max([Historical Prices].Date) AS MaxDate, Min([Historical Prices].Date) AS MinDate
FROM [Historical Prices]
GROUP BY Year([Date]) & "-" & DatePart("q",[Date]), [Historical Prices].Ticker]. AS MinMaxYrQtrDates ON ([Historical Prices].Date = MinMaxYrQtrDates.MaxDate) AND ([Historical Prices].Ticker = MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker)) ON ([Historical Prices_1].Ticker = MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker) AND ([Historical Prices_1].Date = MinMaxYrQtrDates.MinDate);
. 我试图从 Access 复制 SQL 语句并将其用作我的代码中的 SQL 语句,但它不起作用。我没有收到任何错误,DataGridView
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Historical_Growth_Rates_Annual
Public tblName As String = "Historical_Stock_Prices"
Private Sub Historical_Growth_Rates_Annual_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If (File.Exists(Nordeen_Investing_3.databaseName)) Then
Dim restrictions(3) As String
restrictions(2) = tblName
Dim dbTbl As DataTable = Nordeen_Investing_3.con.GetSchema("Tables", restrictions)
If dbTbl.Rows.Count = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Historical Stock Prices tables does not exist in the database. Please Update")
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT MinMaxYrQtrDates.YrQtr, MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker, MinMaxYrQtrDates.MaxDate, [Historical_Stock_Prices].Close1, MinMaxYrQtrDates.MinDate, [Historical_Stock_Prices_1].Open1, ([Historical_Stock_Prices].[Close1]/[Historical_Stock_Prices_1].[Open1]-1)*100 AS GrowthRate FROM [Historical_Stock_Prices] AS [Historical_Stock_Prices_1] INNER JOIN ([Historical_Stock_Prices] INNER JOIN [SELECT Year([Date1]) & " - " & DatePart('q',[Date1]) AS YrQtr, [Historical_Stock_Prices].Ticker, Max([Historical_Stock_Prices].Date) AS MaxDate, Min([Historical_Stock_Prices].Date) AS MinDate FROM [Historical_Stock_Prices] GROUP BY Year([Date1]) & " - " & DatePart('q',[Date1]), [Historical_Stock_Prices].Ticker]. AS MinMaxYrQtrDates ON ([Historical_Stock_Prices].Date = MinMaxYrQtrDates.MaxDate) AND ([Historical_Stock_Prices].Ticker = MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker)) ON ([Historical_Stock_Prices_1].Ticker = MinMaxYrQtrDates.Ticker) AND ([Historical_Stock_Prices_1].Date = MinMaxYrQtrDates.MinDate);", Nordeen_Investing_3.con)
'create a new dataset
Dim ds As New DataSet()
'fill the datset
'attach dataset to the datagrid
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
ds = Nothing
da = Nothing
End If
MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist. Please update.")
End If
End Sub
End Class