有没有办法在无需重启的插件中实现 nsICommandLineHandler ?


var { Class } = require('sdk/core/heritage');
var { Unknown, Factory } = require('sdk/platform/xpcom');
var { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome');

var contractId = '@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=webappfind';

// Define a component
var CommandLineHandler = Class({
  extends: Unknown,
  get wrappedJSObject() this,

  classDescription: "webAppFinder",
  /* Not used by SDK, so commenting out
  _xpcom_categories: [{  
    category: "command-line-handler",  
    // category names are sorted alphabetically. Typical command-line handlers use a  
    // category that begins with the letter "m".  
    entry: "m-webappfind"  
  helpInfo : "  -webappfind               Open My Application\n",
  // nsICommandLineHandler
  handle : function clh_handle(cmdLine) {
    try {
        console.log('good so far'); // Doesn't actually reach here
        var fileStr = cmdLine.handleFlagWithParam("webappfind", false);
        if (fileStr) {
          console.log('made it');
    catch (e) {
        Cu.reportError("incorrect parameter passed to -webappfind on the command line.");

    if (cmdLine.handleFlag("webappfind", false)) { // no argument
        cmdLine.preventDefault = true;
        throw 'A valid ID must be provided to webappfind';
  hello: function() {return 'Hello World';}

// Create and register the factory
var factory = Factory({
  contract: contractId,
//  id: '{7f397cba-7a9a-4a05-9ca7-a5b8d7438c6c}', // Despite the docs saying one can add both, this doesn't work
  Component: CommandLineHandler


// XPCOM clients can retrieve and use this new
// component in the normal way
var wrapper = Cc[contractId].createInstance(Ci.nsISupports);
var helloWorld = wrapper.wrappedJSObject;

...但是根据此错误,Firefox 不接受命令行参数:

错误:警告:无法识别的命令行标志 -webappfind

源文件:resource://app/components/nsBrowserContentHandler.js 行:765


我现在接受了@nmaier 的建议来添加类别,因此后来添加了这些行:

var catMan = Cc['@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1'].getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager); //
catMan.addCategoryEntry('command-line-handler', 'm-webappfind' /*contractId*/, contractId, false, true);

但是从命令行调用时出现以下 3 个错误:

错误:[异常...“调用方法时的“失败”:[nsIFactory::createInstance]”nsresult:“0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)”位置:“本机框架 :: :: :: line 0”数据:否]

合同 ID '@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=webappfind' 已注册为条目 'm-webappfind' 的命令行处理程序,但无法创建。

错误:警告:无法识别的命令行标志 -webappfind

源文件:resource://app/components/nsBrowserContentHandler.js 行:765


1 回答 1


SDK 不会为您注册类别。

关于类别的一些评论可以在这里找到: https ://stackoverflow.com/a/18366485/484441


编辑: 您的组件没有指定任何接口,因此它只支持nsISupports. SDK 模块文档声明您应该添加一个interfaces: [ 'nsICommandLineHandler' ]属性。

于 2013-08-24T21:31:26.373 回答