我在此处附上代码并解释以下问题: 这是 Bittop 类:
#ifndef _Bitop_H
#define _Bitop_H
# include <iostream>
double num2fxp(double v, int bits=9, int intbits=5){
return -0.5;
template<int bits = 8, int intbits = 6>
class Bitop
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits> friend class Bitop;
double value; // data value
Bitop(const double& v=0):
value(num2fxp(v, bits, intbits))
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
const Bitop<bits, intbits>& operator = (const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& v){
value = num2fxp(v.value, bits, intbits);
return *this;
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
Bitop<bits, intbits>& operator += (const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& v) {
value = num2fxp(value+v.value, bits, intbits);
return *this;
template<int lhsbits, int lhsintbits, int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
friend Bitop<lhsintbits+rhsintbits+2, lhsintbits+rhsintbits+1> operator + (const Bitop<lhsbits, lhsintbits>& x, const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& y){
return Bitop<lhsintbits+rhsintbits+2, lhsintbits+rhsintbits+1> (num2fxp(x.value+y.value));
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream & out, const Bitop& y){return out << y.value ;}
void Print(){
std::cout << value<< "<"
<< bits << ","
<< intbits << ">";
# include <iostream>
# include "Bitop.H"
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
Bitop<4,1> a = 0.8;
Bitop<5,2> b(3.57);
Bitop<7,3> c;
c = b;
cout << "See all attributes of c \n";
c.Print();cout << "\n";
c = 7.86;
cout << "reassign c to a new value\n";
c.Print();cout << "\n";
cout << "set b = c \n";
b = c;
cout << "set b+=a \n";
b += a;
cout << "set b=c+a \n";
b = c+a;
return 0;
我有一个模板类Bitop。我想重载“+”以添加 2 个具有不同模板参数的对象并返回第三个对象,其参数不同于 rhs 和 lhs 对象,即我想做以下事情:
Bitop<5,3> + Bitop<4,2> 应该返回 Bitop<10,6>。我将 Bitop 声明为它自己的友元类,这样我就可以访问 rhs 和 lhs 对象的私有成员。但是无论我是否调用“+”函数,我都会收到编译错误(由于重新定义)。
请注意,我在代码中留下了几个函数和函数调用,以确保其他重载(例如 = 和 +=)正常工作。