我正在上一门 Python 编程课程,我一直在努力思考如何实现它。我已经编写了一些代码,并且正在尝试修复弹出的任何错误,但我感到困惑并且没有解决任何问题,这就是我求助于你们的原因。当您看到我到目前为止所写的内容时,我将不胜感激任何想法和建议。我特别难以弄清楚如何做最后一部分,我必须获得高于或低于 2 美元的价值。
创建一个找零游戏,让用户输入恰好赚两美元所需的硬币数量。实现一个 Python 程序,提示用户输入 5c 硬币、10c 硬币、20c 硬币、50c 硬币、1 美元硬币和 2 美元硬币的数量。如果输入的这些硬币的总价值等于两美元,那么程序应该祝贺用户赢得了比赛。否则程序应该显示一条消息,提示总数不完全是 2 美元,并显示值高于或低于 2 美元。
#Global Variables
v_five = float(0.05)
v_ten = float(0.10)
v_twenty = float(0.20)
v_fifty = float(0.50)
v_one_dollar = int(1)
v_two_dollar = int(2)
dollar = 0
def main():
"""The main function defines the variables that are needed by taking input
from the user. The main() function is calling all the other functions one
by one to execute their intended commands and give the results"""
intro() #Displays the rules of the game
#Takes input from the user. One input per denomination
five=float(input(" Enter number of FIVE CENT coins: "))
ten=float(input(" Enter number of TEN CENT coins: "))
twenty=float(input(" Enter number of TWNETY CENT coins: "))
fifty=float(input(" Enter the number of FIFTY CENT coins: "))
one_dollar=int(input(" Enter the number of ONE DOLLAR coins: "))
two_dollar=int(input(" Enter the number of TWO DOLLAR coins: "))
#Shows what the user entered
#Converts the value of the total into dollars and cents from
#what the user has entered
#Calculates and Prints the total along with what the final number
def intro():
"""This function simply prints out the instructions for the user"""
print(" Welcome to the Coin Change game!")
print(" Enter a number for each denomination below")
print(" Your total should be $2 and no more.")
print(" Good Luck!\n")
def show_change(five,ten,twenty,fifty,one_dollar,two_dollar):
"""This function shows what the user has entered after taking input from
the user"""
print(" You entered: \n\n {} five cent(s) \n {} ten cent(s) \n {} twenty cent(s) \n {} fifty cent(s) \n {} one dollar \n {} two dollar coins".format(five,ten,twenty,fifty,one_dollar,two_dollar))
def calculate_value(five,ten,twenty,fifty,one_dollar,two_dollar):
"""This function will convert the entered values into cents so that they
can be calculated and checked if they exceed the $2 amount."""
fiveAmount = v_five * five
tenAmount = v_ten * ten
twentyAmount = v_twenty * twenty
fiftyAmount = v_fifty * fifty
oneAmount = v_one_dollar * one_dollar
twoAmount = v_two_dollar * two_dollar
global dollar
dollar = fiveAmount + tenAmount + twentyAmount + fiftyAmount + oneAmount + twoAmount
"""This function checks whether the total was over or under $2 and displays a
win or loose message for the user. Also shows the total that the user entered"""
def CalculateAndPrint(dollar):
if dollar == 2.00:#Checks if the dollar value being passed from the previous function
#is 2 or not
print(" \n Congratulations! You've hit a perfect 2!")
if dollar < 2.00:
print(" \n Oops! You were a little under 2!")
print(" Your total was: ", dollar)
if dollar > 2.00:
print(" \n Oh no! You went over 2!")
print(" Your total was: ",dollar)