我花了很多时间试图找到一种使用 CGAffineScale 将视图转换为给定点的方法,包括处理锚点、在转换前后移动视图中心以及全面的谷歌搜索。我知道使用 UIScrollview 会简单得多;但我知道从技术上讲,没有它是可能的,它在我的脑海中变成了碎片。


如何修改mvds的代码以将 UIView 缩放到 UIView 中的任何给定点?

CGFloat s = 3;
CGAffineTransform tr = CGAffineTransformScale(self.view.transform, s, s);
CGFloat h = self.view.frame.size.height;
CGFloat w = self.view.frame.size.width;
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.5 delay:0 options:0 animations:^{
    self.view.transform = tr;
    self.view.center = CGPointMake(w-w*s/2,h*s/2);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {}];

2 回答 2




CGFloat s = 3;
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(100, 200);
CGAffineTransform tr = CGAffineTransformScale(self.view.transform, s, s);
CGFloat h = self.view.frame.size.height;
CGFloat w = self.view.frame.size.width;
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.5 delay:0 options:0 animations:^{
    self.view.transform = tr;
    CGFloat cx = w/2-s*(p.x-w/2);
    CGFloat cy = h/2-s*(p.y-h/2);
    self.view.center = CGPointMake(cx, cy); //was: (w*s/2,h-h*s/2);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {}];
于 2013-08-23T07:47:50.823 回答

实际上,我自己也遇到了同样的问题。为了解决这个问题,我所做的只是更改了我正在缩放的​​视图的锚点,因为 CGAffineTransforms 是在相对于其锚点的视图上执行的,因此根据锚点的位置,变换将缩放、平移或旋转看法不同。这是基本思想:

CGPoint pointToScaleTo = CGPointMake(x, y); //Just enter the coordinates you 
                                            //want to scale your view towards

CGFloat viewWidth = self.view.bounds.size.width;
CGFloat viewHeight = self.view.bounds.size.height;

CGFloat scaleFactorX = ...;
CGFloat scaleFactorY = ...;

CGAffineTransform scaleTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);

[UIView animateWithDuration:2.5f delay:0.0f options:0 animations:^{

    //I divide the x and y coordinates by the view width and height
    //because the anchor point coordinates are normalized to the range
    self.view.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(pointToScaleTo.x/viewWidth, pointToScaleTo.y/viewHeight);

    //Now that the anchor point has been changed, apply the scale transform
    self.view.layer.transform = scaleTransform;

} completion:^(BOOL finished) {}];
于 2013-09-18T04:10:06.963 回答