我成功地使用了 Soundcloud 的小部件 API,除了 setVolume() 方法被破坏了:(
首先,我喜欢这个小部件,但我很震惊,毕竟做了这么棒的工作,却没有可用的音量控制!当人们听到 100% 的音频并且我无法使用 setVolume() 更改它时,他们会立即“返回按钮”离开我的网站……我必须让它工作或拉动它:(
widget.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, function() {
$('#audioIndictments').removeClass('remove'); // This disables a CSS rule, making the soundCloud iframe visible
widget.setVolume(10); // This should set the volume to 10% but doesn't :(
console.log(vol); // This outputs 0.1 in the console :/
console.log(widget); // This outputs the object in the console and I don't see anything out of whack :|
widget.play(); // This successfully fires up the widget and the audio begins playing :)
widget.setVolume(10); // Just to see if it makes a difference, after the play() method, I ran setVolume again after the play() method and still no change :(
console.log(vol); // This still outputs 0.1 in the console :/