The fact that we can't use the await keyword in catch blocks makes it quite awkward to show error messages from async methods in WinRT, since the MessageDialog API is asynchronous. Ideally I would like be able to write this:

    private async Task DoSomethingAsync()
            // Some code that can throw an exception
        catch (Exception ex)
            var dialog = new MessageDialog("Something went wrong!");
            await dialog.ShowAsync();

But instead I have to write it like this:

    private async Task DoSomethingAsync()
        bool error = false;
            // Some code that can throw an exception
        catch (Exception ex)
            error = true;

        if (error)
            var dialog = new MessageDialog("Something went wrong!");
            await dialog.ShowAsync();

All methods that need to do this have to follow a similar pattern, which I really don't like, because it reduces the code readability.

Is there a better way to handle this?

EDIT: I came up with this (which is similar to what svick suggested in his comments):

static class Async
    public static async Task Try(Func<Task> asyncAction)
        await asyncAction();

    public static async Task Catch<TException>(this Task task, Func<TException, Task> handleExceptionAsync, bool rethrow = false)
        where TException : Exception
        TException exception = null;
            await task;
        catch (TException ex)
            exception = ex;

        if (exception != null)
            await handleExceptionAsync(exception);
            if (rethrow)


private async Task DoSomethingAsync()
    await Async.Try(async () => 
        // Some code that can throw an exception
    .Catch<Exception>(async ex =>
        var dialog = new MessageDialog("Something went wrong!");
        await dialog.ShowAsync();

.Catch<...> calls can be chained to mimick multiple catch blocks.

But I'm not really happy with this solution; the syntax is even more awkward than before...


2 回答 2


您已经在 TPL 中拥有该功能

        await Task.Run(async () =>
            // Some code that can throw an exception
        }).ContinueWith(async (a) =>
            if (a.IsFaulted)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Something went wrong!\nError: "
                           + a.Exception.Message);
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
                var dialog2 = new MessageDialog("Everything is OK: " + a.Result);
                await dialog2.ShowAsync();

在这台机器上我没有 Windows 8,所以我在 Windows 7 中进行了测试,但我认为是一样的。*按照评论中的说明编辑它需要的 .Unwrap(); 最终等待工作

于 2013-08-21T14:04:12.347 回答

C# 6 现在支持awaitincatchfinally,因此可以按照我想要的方式编写代码;不再需要解决方法。

于 2016-09-29T12:17:00.527 回答