我有一个带有标题行的混合字符分隔文件,我正在尝试使用 Text::CSV 读取该文件,我已在逗号单独文件上成功使用该文件以将其拉入其他脚本中的哈希数组中。我已阅读 Text::CSV 不支持多个分隔符(空格、制表符、逗号),因此我在使用 Text::CSV 之前尝试使用正则表达式清理该行。更不用说数据文件在文件中间还有注释行。不幸的是,我没有管理员权限来安装可以容纳多个 sep_chars 的库,所以我希望我可以使用 Text::CSV 或其他一些标准方法来清理标题和行,然后再添加到 AoH。还是我应该放弃 Text::CSV?
# name scale address type
test.data.one 32768 0x1234fde0 float
test.data.two 32768 0x1234fde4 float
test.data.the 32768 0x1234fde8 float
# comment lines in middle of data
test.data.for 32768 0x1234fdec float
test.data.fiv 32768 0x1234fdf0 float
my $fh;
my $input;
my $header;
my $pkey;
my $row;
my %arrayofhashes;
my $csv=Text::CSV({sep_char = ","})
or die "Text::CSV error: " Text::CSV=error_diag;
open($fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $input)
or die "Can't open $input: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
$line = $_;
# skip to header row
next if($line !~ /^# name/);
# strip off leading chars on first column name
$header =~ s/# //g;
# replace multiple spaces and tabs with comma
$header =~ s/ +/,/g;
$header =~ s/t+/,/g;
# results in $header = "name,scale,address,type"
my @header = split(",", $header);
# above seems to work!
$pkey = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
$line = $_;
# skip comment lines
next if ($line =~ /^#/);
# replace spaces and tabs with commas
$line =~ s/( +|\t+)/,/g;
# replace multiple commas from previous regex with single comma
$line =~ s/,+/,/g;
# results in $line = "test.data.one,32768,0x1234fdec,float"
# need help trying to create a what I think needs to be a hash from the header and row.
$row = ?????;
# the following line works in my other perl scripts for CSV files when using:
# while ($row = $csv->getline_hr($fh)) instead of the above.
$arrayofhashes{$pkey} = $row;