
稍后我将不得不计算 400 家律师事务所样本中两家公司之间所有可能的距离。


Firm  Year  Location  Market_share
1     2000     1         0.1
1     2000     2         0.2
1     2000     3         0.5
1     2000     4         0.2
1     2001     1         0.3
1     2001     2         0.0
1     2001     3         0.2 
1     2001     4         0.5
2     2000     1         0.0
2     2000     2         0.4
2     2000     3         0.2
2     2000     4         0.4
2     2001     1         0.1
2     2001     2         0.5
2     2001     3         0.3
1     2001     4         0.1

上述数据将是每个公司的“平衡”面板数据,因此矩阵的大小将相同。每家公司将拥有约 200 个分支机构和 35 年的分支机构历史。

我想将此数据转换为每个公司 ID 的 X 年位置关联矩阵,其中单元格值代表其市场份额。


公司 1

            Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 
 2000          0.1        0.2       0.5         0.2 
 2001          0.3        0         0.2         0.5

公司 2

            Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 
 2000          0         0.4        0.2        0.4
 2001          0.1       0.5        0.3        0.1



  1. 通过第一列中的唯一公司 ID 拆分上述矩阵
  2. 删除包含 id 信息的第一列
  3. 使用 (sparse) 命令将剩余矩阵转换为 Year X Location 关联矩阵。
  4. 对公司 i 和公司 j 的所有可能组合进行欧式距离计算。



1 回答 1



2000 0 0.4 0.2 0.4
2001 0.3 0 0.2 0.5


这是一个更改表示的脚本,但请注意 stackoverflow 不能以这种方式工作。您必须自己编写代码,并将您的代码问题和遇到的问题告诉我们。既然您说您是初学者,那么这里有一个想法供您使用和学习 matlab 语法。用它来锻炼其他点,作为你需要的欧几里得距离。记住,你应该尽量让你的问题尽可能笼统。

oldRepresentation = [...
...% Firm  Year  Location  Market_share
      1     2000     1         0.1;...
      1     2000     2         0.2;...
      1     2000     3         0.5;...
      1     2000     4         0.2;...
      1     2001     1         0.3;...
      1     2001     2         0.0;...
      1     2001     3         0.2;...
      1     2001     4         0.5;...
      2     2000     1         0.0;...
      2     2000     2         0.4;...
      2     2000     3         0.2;...
      2     2000     4         0.4;...
      2     2001     1         0.1;...
      2     2001     2         0.5;...
      2     2001     3         0.3;...
      1     2001     4         0.1];

% Firm information (if you know these information a priori, you can
% set them directly):
firmsNumbers = unique(oldRepresentation(:,1))'; % Get unique firm
% numbers (suppose you have a firma that doesnt have a representation,
% in this case you will jump it.
nFirms = numel(firmsNumbers); % Total number of firms

% Year information:
years = unique(oldRepresentation(:,2))'; % Get unique years
nYears = numel(years); % Total number of years:

% Location information:
location = unique(oldRepresentation(:,3))'; % Unique locations
nLocations = max(oldRepresentation(:,3)); % Total number of locations

newRepresentation = cell(1,nFirms); % Pre allocate holder for the new
% representation, one cell for each firma, sparse representation.
nonSparse = cell(1,nFirms); % Pre allocate holder for the new
% representation, one cell for each firma, non sparse representation.

for curFirm=firmsNumbers % Loop on the firms
  firmLines=(oldRepresentation(:,1)==curFirm); % get lines which the

  % firm appears
  yearsOfOperation=oldRepresentation(firmLines,2); % get current firm
  % operation years
  % Transform the years to line indexes:
  [~,lineIdx] = ismember(yearsOfOperation,years);
  firmLocations=oldRepresentation(firmLines,3); % get current firm
  % operation locations
  newRepresentation{curFirm} = sparse(nYears,nLocations); % One line
  % for each year, one column for each location (sparse matrix
  % allocation).
  nonSparse{curFirm} = zeros(nYears,nLocations);
  % Now we fill this firm market share:
  for k=1:numel(yearsOfOperation)
    newRepresentation{curFirm}(lineIdx(k),firmLocations(k)) = ...
    nonSparse{curFirm}(lineIdx(k),firmLocations(k)) = ...


>> nonSparse{1} % First firma, first line is the 2000 year, each column a location from 1 to 4.

ans =

    0.1000    0.2000    0.5000    0.2000
    0.3000         0    0.2000    0.1000

>> nonSparse{2} % Second firma

ans =

         0    0.4000    0.2000    0.4000
    0.1000    0.5000    0.3000         0


>> newRepresentation{1} % First firm

ans =

   (1,1)       0.1000
   (2,1)       0.3000
   (1,2)       0.2000
   (1,3)       0.5000
   (2,3)       0.2000
   (1,4)       0.2000
   (2,4)       0.1000

>> newRepresentation{2} % Second firm

ans =

   (2,1)       0.1000
   (1,2)       0.4000
   (2,2)       0.5000
   (1,3)       0.2000
   (2,3)       0.3000
   (1,4)       0.4000
于 2013-08-18T21:22:22.673 回答