我正在尝试使用 pythons OPENPYXL 模块在 excel 电子表格上设置样式。我不断提出这个错误:


基本上,我的代码从 .xlsx 文件中读取已知值的列表并将它们放入 python 列表中。我使用该列表来比较访问表中列中的值,以确保每个单元格中的值与已知值相比是正确的。

当我尝试使用 openpyxl 设置样式时,我的脚本出现问题。由于某种原因,出现了上述错误。奇怪的是,我什至没有在任何地方的样式中使用黑色,当我尝试设置填充时它似乎出错了。在脚本的SearchCursor部分,它遍历每一行。在第二遍时,脚本就被淘汰了。我有一种感觉它想覆盖一些东西,但我不知道是什么。

import openpyxl, arcpy
from arcpy import env
from openpyxl import Workbook

env.workspace = r"Z:\Access_Tables\Access_Table.gdb"

TableList = []
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(r"Z:\Domains\Domains.xlsx\DOMAINS$"):

# Create workbook for report. Openpyxl
workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws = workbook.get_active_sheet()
ws.title = "Test"

# List out the access tables in the workspace
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():

    # Processing SOIL Point access table
    if fc == "SOIL":

        # List the column headings from the access table to be applied to the .xlsx table
        fieldnames = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]    
        # Create Sheet. Openpyxl
        new_sheet = workbook.create_sheet(None,fc)

        dictFieldnames = {}
        for num,fname in enumerate(fieldnames):
            dictFieldnames[num] = fname

            # Write to cell, openpyxl                 
            new_sheet.cell(None,0,num).value = fname
            col_let = openpyxl.cell.get_column_letter(num + 1)
            new_sheet.column_dimensions[col_let].width = len(fname) + 3

        # Process SOIL Field
        if "SOIL" in fieldnames:

            # Set a counter and Loop through each row of the access table
            x = 1    
            for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(fc):

                for key, value in dictFieldnames.iteritems():
                    if value == "SOIL":
                        fieldKey = key

                if not row.SOIL or len(row.SOIL.strip()) == 0:

                    # Openpyxl write. Set fill and color for cell. Write the unique id to the cell.
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.fill_type = openpyxl.style.Fill.FILL_SOLID
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.start_color.index = openpyxl.style.Color = 'FF808000' 
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).value = row.OBJECTID
                    x += 1
                    print 'first'
                elif len(row.INCLUSION_TYPE) not in range(2,5):

                    # Openpyxl write. Set fill and color for cell. Write the unique id to the cell.
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.fill_type = openpyxl.style.Fill.FILL_SOLID
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.start_color.index = openpyxl.style.Color = 'FF2F4F4F'                     
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).value = row.OBJECTID                        
                    x += 1
                    print 'second'
                elif row.SOIL.upper() not in [y.upper() for y in TableList]:

                    # Openpyxl write.  Set fill and color for cell. Write the unique id to the cell.
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.fill_type = openpyxl.style.Fill.FILL_SOLID
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.start_color.index = openpyxl.style.Color = 'FF00FFFF'                    
                    new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).value = row.OBJECTID                        
                    x += 1
                    print 'third'

                print x

1 回答 1



new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.start_color.index = 'FF808000'


new_sheet.cell(None,x,fieldKey).style.fill.start_color.index = openpyxl.style.Color = 'FF808000'
于 2013-08-16T20:45:43.390 回答