我包装了大量的 C++ 函数,如果底层套接字连接丢失,它们会引发异常。虽然我已经弄清楚如何包装我的“获取连接”功能以重新建立连接和/或尝试列表中的其他可用服务器,但我无法找到创建 try..except 包装器以提供给 80 的解决方案+ C++ 函数。
#-- client.pxd ---
cdef extern from "rpc/RpcService.h":
cdef cppclass RpcServiceClient:
void getProject(ProjectT&, Guid& id) nogil except +
cdef extern from "client.h":
cdef cppclass Client:
RpcServiceClient proxy() nogil
cdef Client* getClient() nogil except +
#-- module.pxd ---
cdef inline Client* conn() except *:
# wrap getClient() here with try..except if the
# connection was never established
cpdef inline get_project(Guid& guid):
ProjectT projT # cpp object
Project project # cdef python class
# this would catch fine in my conn() wrapper
# if the connection had never been established
# the first time. But if the existing connection
# suddenly drops, it will be getProject() that
# raises the exception
conn().proxy().getProject(projT, guid)
project = initProject(projT)
return project
关于如何将所有这些 C++ 函数包装在类似的东西中的任何提示try_call()
?如果这是纯 python,我可以简单地做这样的事情:
def try_call(fn, *args, **kwargs):
# try fn(*args, **kwargs) and handle
try_call(conn().proxy().getProject, projT, guid)
但显然我不能将这些 cython 函数作为 python 对象传递(或者我可以?)。
或者在 C++ 中是这样的:
conn().proxy().getProject(projT, guid)