我有两个文件。myclasses.py 包含我的游戏的所有类,game.py 创建所有对象并运行游戏。我想我收到了错误,因为我的 GameEngine 对象看不到 secondRoom 对象。我在全局范围内创建了 secondRoom。我不明白为什么 GameEngine 看不到 secondRoom?
## game.py
from myclasses import *
## Creating objects
smallKey = Key("Small Key")
bossKey = Key("Boss Key")
firstRoom = Room("Room", ['north', 'south'], [smallKey, bossKey])
secondRoom = Room("ROOOM 2", ['south', 'east'], [])
player = Person(raw_input("Please enter your name: "), firstRoom)
## Setting class variables
firstRoom.description = "This is the first room"
secondRoom.description = "This is the second room..."
firstRoom.connects_to = {"north": secondRoom}
secondRoom.connects_to = {"south": firstRoom}
list_of_rooms = [firstRoom, secondRoom]
## Running the game
mygame = GameEngine()
mygame.StartGame(player, firstRoom)
from sys import exit
class Person(object):
## Class Variables
inventory = []
## Class Functions
def __init__(self, name, room):
## Instance Variables
self.name = name
self.current_room = room
def Move(self, room):
self.current_room = room
def pickup(item):
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
class Key(Item):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
class Room(object):
## Class Variables
description = ''
connects_to = {}
## Class Functions
def __init__(self, name, directions, items):
self.name = name
self.list_of_directions = directions
self.items = items
def print_description(self):
print self.description
def print_items_in_room(self):
for item in self.items:
print item.name
class GameEngine(object):
list_of_commands = ['move <direction>',
'pickup <item>',
'room description',
'show inventory',
def GetCommand(self):
return raw_input('> ')
def StartGame(self, player, room):
player = player
room = room
gameIsRunning = False
print "The game has officially started... Good Luck!\n\n"
while(not gameIsRunning):
print "List of Directions:"
print "------------------"
for direction in room.list_of_directions:
print direction
print "\nList of Items in Room:"
print "----------------------"
for item in room.items:
print item.name
print "\nList of Commands:"
print "-----------------"
for action in self.list_of_commands:
print action
command = self.GetCommand()
if command == 'quit':
if command == 'move north':
if 'north' in room.list_of_directions and room.connects_to['north'] == secondRoom:
room = secondRoom
if command == 'move south':
if 'south' in room.list_of_directions and room.connects_to['south'] == firstRoom:
room = firstRoom
print "You can't go that direction."
if command == 'move east':
if 'east' in room.list_of_directions:
print 'You just died >:}'
if command == 'pickup small key':
for item in room.items:
print item.name
if item.name == 'Small Key':