currencies = {'yen': 0.0067, 'bsp': 1.35, 'usd': 0.65, 'ero': 0.85}

if choice == "2":
    Current_Currency = input("What currency do you want to exchange: Japenese Yen if so please type yen // British Sterling Pound please type bsp // US Dollers please Type usd // Euro please type ero.")
    amount = input("Type amount you wish to exchange")
    Future_Currency = input("What currency do you want to exchange into: Japenese Yen if so please type yen // British Sterling Pound please type bsp // US Dollers please Type usd // Euro please type ero.")
    New_Amount = currencies[Future_Currency] / currencies[Current_Currency] * amount



1 回答 1



amount = float(amount)
于 2013-08-16T10:26:12.330 回答