Public ie As InternetExplorer
Sub GetBase64()
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Const URL As String = "http://webcodertools.com/imagetobase64converter/Create"
Dim sFile As String
Dim e As Variant
Dim imgTag As String
Dim css As String
sFile = Range("A1").Value
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
.navigate URL
Loop Until .readyState = 4
UploadFile URL, sFile, "file"
'Now, get the strings from the IE window
Set doc = .document
For Each e In doc.getElementsByTagName("textarea")
'## This is not the most sophisticated way of doing this, but it works:
If Left(e.innerText, 1) = "<" Then
imgTag = e.innerText
css = e.innerText
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub UploadFile(DestURL As String, FileName As String, _
Optional ByVal FieldName As String = "File")
Dim sFormData As String, d As String
'Boundary of fields.
'Be sure this string is Not In the source file
Const Boundary As String = "---------------------------0123456789012"
'Get source file As a string.
sFormData = GetFile(FileName)
'Build source form with file contents
d = "--" + Boundary + vbCrLf
d = d + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" + FieldName + """;"
d = d + " filename=""" + FileName + """" + vbCrLf
d = d + "Content-Type: application/upload" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
d = d + sFormData
d = d + vbCrLf + "--" + Boundary + "--" + vbCrLf
'Post the data To the destination URL
IEPostStringRequest DestURL, d, Boundary
End Sub
'sends URL encoded form data To the URL using IE
Sub IEPostStringRequest(URL As String, FormData As String, Boundary As String)
Dim WebBrowser As Object
Set WebBrowser = ie
'Send the form data To URL As POST request
Dim bFormData() As Byte
ReDim bFormData(Len(FormData) - 1)
bFormData = StrConv(FormData, vbFromUnicode)
WebBrowser.navigate URL, , , bFormData, _
"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + Boundary + vbCrLf
Do While WebBrowser.Busy
' Sleep 100
'Leave the browser open
' WebBrowser.Quit
End Sub
'read binary file As a string value
Function GetFile(FileName As String) As String
Dim FileContents() As Byte, FileNumber As Integer
ReDim FileContents(FileLen(FileName) - 1)
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary As FileNumber
Get FileNumber, , FileContents
Close FileNumber
GetFile = StrConv(FileContents, vbUnicode)
End Function
'******************* upload - end
更新这里是在我的电脑上成功使用的截图,注意我在测试时使用了后期绑定(ie as Object
, doc As Object
