There is no way to trigger a process on commit so that approach probably won't work.
Potentially, you could have each of the writer processes write to an Oracle Advanced Queue (AQ) and then have another process that de-queues the messages and actually applies them to the current table. That would mean that there would be some lag between the writer session committing and the AQ processor picking up and processing the message but that lag shouldn't be too long. You could do the same thing by having each writer thread insert into a queue-like table and having a separate thread process that table if you don't want to use AQ.
I'm confused, though, by how the process you are describing could cause a deadlock. Are you really talking about a deadlock (i.e. an ORA-00060 error is thrown and a deadlock trace file is generated)? What you are describing should lead to blocking locks, not deadlocks, unless there is more going on than you have told us.