我已经从上到下多次阅读了 api 文档,寻找一种解决方案,在值为零时制作一个全点而不是半个点。为了得到正确的图片,这是我的示例。我一直在尝试很多方法来强制它变成完整的圆点,但没有运气。感谢您的帮助。:D



1 回答 1


Using another plugin was no option for me since that will require more time, and time is really really important to me right now cause I am already lacking on it. Well basically my solution was a cheat way or basically a noob way. I actually used two divs, then just combine those two, the first graph only has the bar graph, and the 2nd graph only contains the two line graphs. I basically modified it using css to merge the two graphs, hide some of the unwanted axis, ticks and stuffs from one graph and then I get this result

enter image description here

于 2013-08-15T04:13:14.047 回答