我在 Javascript 方面的基础并不是最强的,我很好奇其他人将如何应对我为自己创造的当前挑战。

我在玩 paper.js


眼睛对鼠标事件的反应方式与此处的眼睛相同(从该代码中学习)— www.arc.id.au/XEyes.html


// Eye position center
eCntrX = 100
eCntrY = 100

var topLid = new Path()
topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX - 60, eCntrY))
topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY - 28))
topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX + 60, eCntrY))
topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY + 28))

topLid.strokeWidth = '6'
topLid.strokeColor = '#000'
topLid.closed = true

var iris = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 24)
iris.fillColor = '#6CE0FF'
iris.strokeWidth = '6'
iris.strokeColor = '#000'

var pupil = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 15)
pupil.fillColor = '#000'

var glint = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 5)
glint.fillColor = '#fff'
glint.position = new Point(eCntrX + 6, eCntrY - 6)

var ball = new Group([iris, pupil, glint])

function onMouseMove(event) {

  // Cursor position
  var csrX = event.point.x
  var csrY = event.point.y

  // Ball position
  var ballX = ball.position.x
  var ballY = ball.position.y

  // Displacement
  var dx = csrX - ballX
  var dy = csrY - ballY

  var r = 5

  //Pythagerous thereom calcs. R
  var R = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)

  x = dx*r/R
  y = dy*r/R

  ball.position = new Point(eCntrX + x, eCntrY + y)

  // console.log('x:' + x + 'y:' + y)





我一直在玩'for',但 onMouseMove 函数只适用于最后创建的 Eye。

也一直在看 paperjs item.clone — paperjs.org/reference/item#clone



for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){

  // Eye position center
  // 100, 300, 500, 600
  eCntrX = 100 * i + 100
  eCntrY = 100

  var topLid = new Path()
  topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX - 60, eCntrY))
  topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY - 28))
  topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX + 60, eCntrY))
  topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY + 28))

  topLid.strokeWidth = '6'
  topLid.strokeColor = '#000'
  topLid.closed = true

  var iris = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 24)
  iris.fillColor = '#6CE0FF'
  iris.strokeWidth = '6'
  iris.strokeColor = '#000'

  var pupil = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 15)
  pupil.fillColor = '#000'

  var glint = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 5)
  glint.fillColor = '#fff'
  glint.position = new Point(eCntrX + 6, eCntrY - 6)

  var ball = new Group([iris, pupil, glint])


function onMouseMove(event) {

    // Cursor position
    var csrX = event.point.x
    var csrY = event.point.y

    // Ball position
    var ballX = ball.position.x
    var ballY = ball.position.y

    // Displacement
    var dx = csrX - ballX
    var dy = csrY - ballY

    var r = 5

    //Pythagerous thereom calcs. R
    var R = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)

    x = dx*r/R
    y = dy*r/R

    ball.position = new Point(eCntrX + x, eCntrY + y)

    console.log('x:' + x + 'y:' + y)


2 回答 2


您需要创建一个包含所有眼睛的变量,然后在 mousemove 事件中循环遍历该变量中的元素并应用逻辑依次定位每个眼睛。

var eyeballs = [];
for (...) {
   //var ball = new Group([iris, pupil, glint])
   eyeballs.push(new Group([iris, pupil, glint]));

function onMouseMove(event) {
    for (var i = 0, len = eyeballs.length; i < len; i++) {
        var ball = eyeballs[i];
        ball.position = new Point(eCntrX + x, eCntrY + y);
于 2012-10-14T00:27:16.217 回答

我对 Paper.js 不熟悉,但我至少可以为您提供有关如何围绕它构建框架的想法。



var Eyeball = function(params){

    // Eye position center
    var eCntrX = params.x,
        eCntrY = params.y;

    var topLid = new Path()
    topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX - 60, eCntrY))
    topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY - 28))
    topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX + 60, eCntrY))
    topLid.add(new Point(eCntrX, eCntrY + 28))

    topLid.strokeWidth = '6'
    topLid.strokeColor = '#000'
    topLid.closed = true

    var iris = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 24)
    iris.fillColor = '#6CE0FF'
    iris.strokeWidth = '6'
    iris.strokeColor = '#000'

    var pupil = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 15)
    pupil.fillColor = '#000'

    var glint = new Path.Circle(eCntrX, eCntrY, 5)
    glint.fillColor = '#fff'
    glint.position = new Point(eCntrX + 6, eCntrY - 6)

    var ball = new Group([iris, pupil, glint]);

    //listen for the current mouse coordinates and update
    document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event){

        // Cursor position
        var csrX = event.x,
        csrY = event.y;

        // Ball position
        var ballX = ball.position.x
        var ballY = ball.position.y

        // Displacement
        var dx = csrX - ballX
        var dy = csrY - ballY

        var r = 5

        //Pythagerous thereom calcs. R
        var R = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)

        x = dx*r/R
        y = dy*r/R

        ball.position = new Point(eCntrX + x, eCntrY + y)



var eye = new Eyeball({x:100,y:100}); //if you want/need to pass in parameters for new Eyeballs like color or shape or whatever, you can define them in this object then access them in 'params' inside the Eyeball constructor.


for(var i=0; i<100; i++){
   var eye = new Eyeball({x: Math.floor(Math.random()*300), y: Math.floor(Math.random()*300)});

在您的代码中,不会在任何地方调用 onMouseMove 函数。我不知道这是否是 Paper.js 调用的名称,还是您忘记包含更多代码。





paper.js 这样做的方式需要您在每个 mouseMove 事件上循环遍历所有眼球并更新定位。这可能会在每次更新期间锁定用户界面(想象一下成千上万的眼球!),因为 javascript 是单线程的。

我们要做的是让每个眼球对象直接监听“mousemove”事件,从中可以获取当前鼠标位置的 x 和 y 属性。我们通过在每个眼球内添加一个事件监听器来做到这一点。由于每个事件都将在其 Eyeball 实例的上下文中执行,因此“ball”变量对于每个事件都是唯一的。查看更新的示例代码,让我知道这一切是否有效。我很想看到一个有一百个眼球跟踪我的鼠标的示例页面。我认为...

于 2012-10-14T00:36:11.367 回答