我有一个包含 12 个组框的表单,每个组框都有 3 个单选按钮。我for loop
Dim opt, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5, opt6, opt7, opt8, opt9, opt10, opt11, opt12 As String
Dim grpboxcnt As Integer = 1
Dim rdbtncnt As Integer = 1
Dim xrdbtn As String
For Each grpbx As GroupBox In Me.Controls.OfType(Of GroupBox)()
For Each rdbtn As RadioButton In Me.Controls("GroupBox" & grpboxcnt).Controls.OfType(Of RadioButton)()
If rdbtn.Checked = True Then
If rdbtn.Text = "Yes" Then
opt & rdbtncnt = 1 '(i want to be like this way but it is an error and it is not the proper way, is there any way to concat string variable to integer variable?) if this is checked i want to concat the string(opt) and integer(rdbtncnt) example opt & rdbtncnt = 1 ;but it gives me error
ElseIf rdbtn.Text = "No" Then
opt & rdbtncnt = 0 '(i want to be like that but it is an error and it is not the proper way, is there any way to concat string variable to integer variable?) if this is checked then i want to concat the string(opt) and integer(rdbtncnt) example opt & rdbtncnt = 0 ;but it gives me error
ElseIf rdbtn.Text = "NA" Then
opt & rdbtncnt = 2 '(i want to be like that but it is an error and it is not the proper way, is there any way to concat string variable to integer variable?) if this is checked i want to concat the string(opt) and integer(rdbtncnt) example opt & rdbtncnt = 2 ;but it gives me error
End If
End If
rdbtncnt += 1 'then rdbtncnt increment new set of radiobuttons will be looped
grpboxcnt += 1 'then grpboxcnt increment new name of groupbox will be looped
sqlcommand.commandType = "UPDATE table1 SET radio1 = @opt1, radio2 = @opt2 , radio2 = @opt3 , etc... WHERE tableID = 1"