我有一个 Neo4j 数据库,其中包含有关国会议员的信息。我遇到的问题是是否有空缺职位。发生这种情况时,我在“Congressmen”索引中使用相同的键:值。我尝试了下面的代码,因为在 py2neo 文档中它声明 add 函数是幂等的
#Check if we have any vacancies and if so if they match the one that we currently want to add
query="start n=node:Congressmen('website:N/A') return n"
result= cypher.execute(graph_db, query.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
#Match what we already have
if str(result[0]) != "[]":
#create is idempotent so will only create a new node if properties are different
rep, = graph_db.create({"name" : userName, "website" : web, "district" : int(district), "state" : child[2].text, "party" : child[4].text, "office" : child[5].text, "phone" : child[6].text, "house" : "House of Representatives"})
cong = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "Congressmen")
# add the node to the index
cong.add("website", web, rep)
当我在运行代码 3 次后检查界面时,我有重复的节点。