很难从我的 XML 中检索属性。我需要获取这个属性,然后发送和存储它。我不能让它装扮属性。:( 只需要属性方面的帮助。

    <investment ticker="ASD">

  <pricedata days="4">
    <stock ticker="ASD">
      <price value="42.50"/>
      <price value="43.50"/>
      <price value="39.00"/>
      <price value="45.00"/>


public bool readXmlData(String filename)
    XDocument document = XDocument.Load(filename);

    foreach (XElement portfolio in document.Descendants("portfolio"))
            XElement id = portfolio.Element("id");
            string id2 = id != null ? id.Value : string.Empty;
            portList.Add(new SmallPortfolio(id2));

            XAttribute ticker = portfolio.Attribute("investment");

            foreach(XElement investment in document.Descendants("investment"))
                XElement shares = investment.Element("shares");
                XElement price =  investment.Element("price");

                temp.Add(new Investment(

                ticker != null ? ticker.Value : string.Empty,
                shares != null ? int.Parse(shares.Value) : default(int),
                price != null ? double.Parse(shares.Value) : default(double)

    foreach (XElement stock in document.Descendants("pricedata"))
        XAttribute tick = stock.Attribute("stock");
        List<Double> pricetemp2 = new List<Double>();
        foreach (XElement price in document.Descendants("stock"))
            XAttribute value = price.Attribute("price");
        groupList.Add(new PriceGroup(tick,pricetemp2));
    return true;
public List<SmallPortfolio> getPortfolioList() { return null; }
public List<PriceGroup> getPriceList() { return null; }

1 回答 1


<price> is an element, but you are accessing it as if it was an attribute <stock price="..."/>.

Try this:

foreach (XElement stock in document.Descendants("stock"))
    string ticker = (string)stock.Attribute("ticker");
    List<Double> pricetemp2 = new List<Double>();
    foreach (XElement price in stock.Descendants("price"))
        double value = (double)price.Attribute("value");
    groupList.Add(new PriceGroup(ticker, pricetemp2));

Casting XAttribute to double will use the proper XML rules for numbers (XmlConvert.ToDouble). Using double.Parse is incorrect as it uses culture-specific number formatting (e.g. in Germany it expects a decimal comma instead of a decimal point).

于 2013-03-29T01:16:40.057 回答