I have a weird issue which is only happening on my live server, on my localhost the form input is working as expected. The files are all the same and the database is an export/import of my localhost one.

if you go to you will see the details of a user. The 'Personal Details' input should be a text area. That column has the type text in both databases so how come it's not picking up that fact in the online version?

My localhost is php 5.3.1

the live server is php 5.2.17

Strangely I have another table with the same column type and it works just fine

The personal_details column should just be detected by cakephp as a textarea shouldn't it? There's nothing else cake needs to know that is there?

Anyone any ideas?


1 回答 1


很可能这是一个缓存问题 - 您的服务器缓存了旧版本的模型/表,因此不知道新字段或其类型。清除实时服务器上的缓存。

一种简单的方法是在服务器上将 debug 设置为 2,然后刷新页面。之后,您应该将调试设置回零。

于 2013-08-12T22:47:33.347 回答