If you use a function to add an Item, you could also set a variable to know which Id is the last inserted while adding the item to the list
First, you can see what I did here http://jsfiddle.net/DotDotDot/Eb2kR/
I just created a lastInsertedId
variable, which I use to add a class in the ng-repeat :
<span ng-class='{lastinserted: item.ID==lastInsertedId}'>{{ item.ID }} - {{ item.heading }} - {{ item.date | date:"dd.MM.yy" }}</span>
I had no idea how you implemented you addItem method and what are your IDs, so I created my own method and I assumed your IDs are unique numbers, but it could work with anything (hoping you can find a unique set of data)
var dd=new Date($scope.itemDate);
$scope.items.push( {"ID":$scope.items.length+1, "heading":$scope.itemName, "date":dd.getTime()});
I change the last inserted id, which will apply the selected class to the item
You could also unset the lastInsertedId
value in the delItem()
If you have a more difficult logic (here I assumed you had unique IDs) you can also use a function in the ng-class
. Here, on my example it wouldn't be hard to code :
return item.ID==$scope.lastInsertedId;
<span ng-class='{lastinserted: amITheOne(item)}'>
It doesn't change much with a simple logic, but you could totally have a logic based on the ID, the name and the date for example
Have fun