how to find the index in an circular array such that the string that is formed starting from that index is first in lexicographic order.

For Ex : in the circular array ABCDEABCCDE The answer is 6 because the circular string starting from the element A in the 6th position comes first in the dictionary formed from all the possible strings of the circular array.


2 回答 2


理论 A:如果字母 X 在长度为 N 的序列中出现 K 次,则至少有两次出现 X,使得它们之间的距离小于 N/K。


对于给定的 r,在 A[i]+r 处找到 min 个字母,并过滤掉 A[i]+r 处的元素不等于 min 的所有指针。还过滤掉所有指针 A[j] 使得 A[j]=A[i]+r 对于某些 i。

您将不得不运行上述语句最多 N/K 次,每次运行最多花费 O(K) 时间。因此,该算法的复杂度为 O(N)。

更详细的算法:假设 Z 是我们正在处理的循环列表。

def filter(A,Z,r):
    t = min( Z[A[i]+r] ) forall i
    remove A[i] if Z[A[i]+r]!=t forall i

    rmflag = [false if A[i]==A[j]+r else false for i in range(len(A)] //NOTE: This step can be done in O(len(A)) time since A is sorted
    remove A[i] if rmflag[i]
于 2013-08-11T03:42:41.890 回答
Step 1: find the min char, call it minChar
Step 2: build list L0 = {i: string[i] == minChar, but string[i-1] != minChar}
Step 3: if L0.size() == 1, return L0[0]
step 3:
        3.0 set k=0, let L = L0
        3.1 k++
        3.2 BUild L1 = {i+1, i in L}. Build L = {i: string[i] is smallest for any k in L1}
        3.3 If L.size() == 1, return L[0]-k. Otherwise goto 3.1 to repeat

这应该会给你一个 O(n) 的预期复杂度。

于 2013-08-11T03:44:08.247 回答