I have a AudioPlayer playing music from an url.

var streamer = Ti.Media.createAudioPlayer({
    url : '8..'

and then I have fixed so that I can play music in background for iOS. But the problem is that I can´t access the system buttons, for example if you lock your iPhone and press the home button twice you will get a backward, pause/play and forward button and if your iPhone is unlocked and you press the home button twice and swipe the bottom bar to the right you have system controls.

I saw a comment in a thread at appcelerators q/a: Check the comment from Dustin Hume http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/47291/background-audio-in-14

I did all those steps and was able to run my AudioPlater but I were not be able to use the remote buttons. I have checked the API documentation and it does not say anything about this. Anyone have a clue?


2 回答 2


一年前,我试图完成同样的事情。但由于我对 Titanium 和一般应用程序开发不熟悉,所以我在 Titaniums 市场上发现了一个模块,可以做到这一点。


于 2013-08-12T12:47:58.427 回答

我通过使用这个模块解决了这个问题: https ://github.com/hoyo/TiRemoteControl

于 2013-08-15T14:08:35.707 回答