I have a page where there are 2 pie graphs generated using gRaphael. I also use a couple plug-ins to create a .png from those papers. My problem is that no matter what it always uses the first paper, even if I use the correct reference (i.e. the image is always the first graph even if I do it for the second). Here's my code:
//make sure this element exists before creating pie chart
//extract labels into gRaphael appropriate format
totalArry=new Array();
for(var key in hours_total)
//create canvas
var hourPaper = Raphael("hour_pie");
//create pie chart
var hourPie=hourPaper.piechart(
hourPaper.width/2, // pie center x coordinate
hourPaper.height/2, // pie center y coordinate
200, // pie radius
totalArry, // values
legend: hours_pie_labels
// hover animation
hourPie.hover(function () {
this.sector.scale(1.1, 1.1, this.cx, this.cy);
if (this.label) {
this.label[0].attr({ r: 7.5 });
this.label[1].attr({ "font-weight": 800 });
}, function () {
this.sector.animate({ transform: 's1 1 ' + this.cx + ' ' + this.cy }, 500, "bounce");
if (this.label) {
this.label[0].animate({ r: 5 }, 500, "bounce");
this.label[1].attr({ "font-weight": 400 });
//on click of this img, convert canvas to .png and prompt download
// turn svg into PNG
SVGtoPNG(hourPaper.toSVG(), "hourPieGraph");
//extract labels into gRaphael appropriate format
totalArry=new Array();
for(var key in explosive_totals)
//create canvas
var explosivePaper = Raphael("explosive_pie");
//create pie chart
var explosivePie=explosivePaper.piechart(
explosivePaper.width/2, // pie center x coordinate
explosivePaper.height/2, // pie center y coordinate
200, // pie radius
totalArry, // values
legend: explosive_pie_labels
// hover animation
explosivePie.hover(function () {
this.sector.scale(1.1, 1.1, this.cx, this.cy);
if (this.label) {
this.label[0].attr({ r: 7.5 });
this.label[1].attr({ "font-weight": 800 });
}, function () {
this.sector.animate({ transform: 's1 1 ' + this.cx + ' ' + this.cy }, 500, "bounce");
if (this.label) {
this.label[0].animate({ r: 5 }, 500, "bounce");
this.label[1].attr({ "font-weight": 400 });
//on click of this img, convert canvas to .png and prompt download
// turn svg into PNG
SVGtoPNG(explosivePaper.toSVG(), "explosivePieGraph");
and the HTML:
<div id="hour_pie" class="pie_chart"></div><img class="download_image hour_download" title="Download this graph" src="/images/download_small.png"></img>
<div id="explosive_pie" class="pie_chart" ></div><img class="download_image explosive_download" title="Download this graph" src="/images/download_small.png"></img>
<style type="text/css">
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;