我想编写一个执行以下操作的脚本:用户可以选择导入一个 .txt 文件(为此我已经编写了代码)(here $list1
my $list1;
if (prompt_yn("Do you want to import a genelist for filtering?")){
my $genelist1 = prompt("Give the name of the first genelist file:\n");
open($list1,'+<',$genelist1) or die "Could not open file $genelist1 $!";
open(my $filter1,'+>',"filter1.txt") || die "Can't write new file: $!";
my %hash1=();
while(<$list1>){ # $list1 is the variable from the imported .txt file
next unless -z $_;
my $keyfield= $_; # this imported file contains only one column
seek $file2,0,0; #cursor resetting
while(<$file2>){ # this is the other file with multiple columns
my @line=split(/\t/); # split on tabs
my $keyfield=$line[2]; # values to compare are in column 3
if (exists($hash1{$keyfield})){
print $filter1 $_;