I have started java not that long ago, and I was wondering, if I want to make a GUI, and then I want the gui to display some data, I can't have mysql connection in that gui, it's a very big security exploit, therefore I've thought about making a java server that receives packets, and sends back data.

I know PHP HTTP callbacks are the best for this, but I really want to get into the server/networking in java.

Is there any library that offers such thing? Tutorials?


1 回答 1


使用GrizzlyMinaNetty。如果您想从头开始学习,这里是 Sun 的套接字教程。Grizzly 和 Mina 使用 Java NIO,这让初学者感到困惑。可能想从教程开始。

在我建议的 3 个框架中,我只将 Netty 用于一个项目。我在 6 个月前读过 Netty 级别较低,速度更快。它对我来说效果很好。

于 2013-08-08T20:36:16.180 回答