我可以通过对我的功能引入一些严格性来避免这种情况吗?(带有 seq / deepseq 的东西?)。
import Data.List
data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq)
leaf x = Branch x Empty Empty
-- insert ------------------------------------
treeInsert :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
treeInsert Empty x = leaf x
treeInsert (Branch y l r) x | x<y = Branch y (treeInsert l x) r
| x>y = Branch y l (treeInsert r x)
| otherwise = Branch x l r --edit
-- delete ------------------------------------
treeDelete :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
treeDelete Empty _ = Empty
treeDelete (Branch y l r ) x | y<x = Branch y l (treeDelete r x)
| y>x = Branch y (treeDelete l x) r
| y==x = del' $ Branch y l r
-- if this Branch is a leaf dispose of it.
-- if branch has only one child return the child (skip over).
-- otherwise, replace this branch with its successor (the leftmost child of the right tree)
-- successor will be extracted from its original location.
del' ( Branch y Empty Empty ) = Empty
del' ( Branch y Empty r ) = r
del' ( Branch y l Empty ) = l
del' ( Branch y l r ) = Branch ySucc l rWithout_ySucc
( rWithout_ySucc, ySucc ) = leftmost r
leftmost ( Branch y Empty Empty ) = ( Empty, y )
leftmost ( Branch y Empty r ) = ( r, y )
leftmost ( Branch y l r ) = ( Branch y ll r, z ) where ( ll, z ) = leftmost l