function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Month', 'Margarita Murphy', 'Lora Gonzales', 'Mario Moran', 'Wefico Local Faire', 'Zegko Collection', 'Saxux Program for Youth', 'Test New location venue'],
['4/12', 9, 74, 10, 8, 93, 33, 90],
['5/12', 10, 168, 0, 10, 198, 108, 154],
['6/12', 9, 174, 12, 12, 165, 96, 261],
['7/12', 12, 288, 8, 36, 180, 264, 140],
['8/12', 40, 275, 15, 30, 275, 395, 170],
['9/12', 54, 534, 30, 48, 240, 246, 552],
['10/12', 28, 518, 63, 28, 182, 672, 98],
['11/12', 56, 520, 8, 64, 424, 568, 704],
['12/12', 45, 675, 9, 63, 864, 567, 756],
['1/13', 90, 570, 40, 70, 350, 510, 150],
['2/13', 55, 946, 110, 55, 253, 429, 88],
['3/13', 96, 684, 12, 96, 528, 1140, 468],
['4/13', 52, 832, 104, 130, 1261, 1235, 663],
['5/13', 28, 756, 70, 70, 1050, 910, 728],
['6/13', 105, 930, 15, 60, 1440, 660, 690],
['7/13', 144, 1600, 96, 64, 1312, 1488, 1120],
我遇到的问题是,当我从 MySQL 获取数据时,我想循环查看视图,这些视图将在列中垂直向下,而不是交叉。我将如何让它像这样水平放置:
['4/12', item1.views, item2.view]
['5/12', item1.views, item2.view]
|4/12|123 |2 |
|5/12|526 |7 |
|6/12|2 |1 |
|7/12|46 |3 |
$month4_12 = "['4/12', ";
$month5_12 = "['5/12', ";
foreach($views_data as $data){
${"month_$data->date"} .= $data->views . ', ';
$month4_12 .= "],";
$month5_12 .= "],";
// Get views for chart
$views_data = $this->content_model->get_chart_view_data();
// First make the months
$month = 1;
while($month <= 16){
$month_text = date('d/m/y');
$month_text = strtotime($month_text . ' -'.$month.' months');
$month_text_display = date('n/y', $month_text);
$month_text_variable = str_replace('/', '_', $month_text_display);
${"month_$month_text_variable"} = "['".$month_text_display."', ";
// Now add the data
foreach($views_data as $row){
${"month_$month_text_variable"} .= $row->views . ', ';
${"month_$month_text_variable"} = rtrim(${"month_$month_text_variable"}, ", ");
// Finish the lines
${"month_$month_text_variable"} .= "],\n";
// Now join the lot!
$month = 1;
$chart_data = '';
while($month <= 16){
$month_text = date('d/m/y');
$month_text = strtotime($month_text . ' -'.$month.' months');
$month_text_display = date('n/y', $month_text);
$month_text_variable = str_replace('/', '_', $month_text_display);
$chart_data .= ${"month_$month_text_variable"};
$data['chart_data'] = rtrim($chart_data, ",\n");
echo $data['chart_data'];
function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Month', 'Margarita Murphy', 'Lora Gonzales', 'Mario Moran', 'Wefico Local Faire', 'Zegko Collection', 'Saxux Program for Youth', 'Test New location venue'],
['7/13', 2, 1, 1],
['6/13', 2, 1, 1],
['5/13', 2, 1, 1],
['4/13', 2, 1, 1],
['3/13', 2, 1, 1],
['2/13', 2, 1, 1],
['1/13', 2, 1, 1],
['12/12', 2, 1, 1],
['11/12', 2, 1, 1],
['10/12', 2, 1, 1],
['9/12', 2, 1, 1],
['8/12', 2, 1, 1],
['7/12', 2, 1, 1],
['6/12', 2, 1, 1],
['5/12', 2, 1, 1],
['4/12', 2, 1, 1]
编辑 3