
open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Security.prefPane

是否可以以编程方式导航到“隐私”选项卡?我想让用户轻松找到合适的屏幕。请注意,Accessibility API 目前被禁用,这就是我试图在“隐私”选项卡上启用的功能。(这是10.9 中的新功能。)


1 回答 1



您可以使用 Applescript 打开“安全和隐私”首选项面板并直接导航到“辅助功能”部分:

tell application "System Preferences"
    --get a reference to the Security & Privacy preferences pane
    set securityPane to pane id "com.apple.preference.security"

    --tell that pane to navigate to its "Accessibility" section under its Privacy tab
    --(the anchor name is arbitrary and does not imply a meaningful hierarchy.)
    tell securityPane to reveal anchor "Privacy_Accessibility"

    --open the preferences window and make it frontmost
end tell

一种选择是使用 Applescript Editor 将其保存到 applescript 文件并直接执行:

osascript path/to/applescript.scpt

您还可以通过脚本桥从您的 Objective C 应用程序代码执行等效命令。这涉及到您需要构建一个 Objective C 标头(使用 Apple 的命令行工具),将 System Preferences 脚本 API 公开为可编写脚本的对象。(有关如何构建标头的详细信息,请参阅Apple 的 Scripting Bridge 文档。)

编辑:一旦你建立了一个系统偏好头,下面的目标 C 代码将做与上面的 Applescript 相同的工作:

//Get a reference we can use to send scripting messages to System Preferences.
//This will not launch the application or establish a connection to it until we start sending it commands.
SystemPreferencesApplication *prefsApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @"com.apple.systempreferences"];

//Tell the scripting bridge wrapper not to block this thread while waiting for replies from the other process.
//(The commands we'll be sending it don't have return values that we care about.)
prefsApp.sendMode = kAENoReply;

//Get a reference to the accessibility anchor within the Security & Privacy pane.
//If the pane or the anchor don't exist (e.g. they get renamed in a future OS X version),
//we'll still get objects for them but any commands sent to those objects will silently fail.
SystemPreferencesPane *securityPane = [prefsApp.panes objectWithID: @"com.apple.preference.security"];
SystemPreferencesAnchor *accessibilityAnchor = [securityPane.anchors objectWithName: @"Privacy_Accessibility"];

//Open the System Preferences application and bring its window to the foreground.
[prefsApp activate];

//Show the accessibility anchor, if it exists.
[accessibilityAnchor reveal];

但是请注意(至少我上次检查过)Scripting Bridge 不能被沙盒应用程序使用。

于 2013-10-05T11:43:00.777 回答