当我将它初始化为 30 时,为什么我的数组列表大小为零?

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0在调用 addRecord() 时得到

(注意:从 jsp 调用 setInitialValues 没有帮助。)
(注意:ShootRecord 也实现了 Serializable)

Servlet 进程请求方法

        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

    PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter();  
    String address = null;
    HttpSession session = req.getSession();

    ShootMeet meetBean = (ShootMeet)session.getAttribute("shootmeetbean");

    if(meetBean == null){
        pw.print("initialising meet \n");
        meetBean = new ShootMeet();

    ShootRecord recordSent = (ShootRecord)session.getAttribute("shootrecordbean");
    if(recordSent == null){  
         recordSent = new ShootRecord();

// **record sent created here**

try{            meetBean.addRecord(recordSent);
} ...
 // doGet and doPost call processRequest


public class ShootMeet implements Serializable{

    private ArrayList<ShootRecord> listOfRecords;
    private String date;
    private int numTargets;

    public ShootMeet(){}

    public void setInitialValues(int numTarg){

        numTargets = numTarg;
        listOfRecords = new ArrayList<ShootRecord>(numTargets);


    public void addRecord(ShootRecord s){

        if(listOfRecords.size() == 0){
        System.out.println("size of list of records is zero before adding record");
        listOfRecords.add(s.targetNumber, s);

    //...other setters/getters


    <%@page import="servlet.ShootRecord"%>
<%@page import="servlet.ShootRecordMap"%>

<%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<jsp:useBean id="shootmeetbean" class="servlet.ShootMeet" scope = "session"/>
    <%--<jsp:setProperty name = "shootmeetbean" property = "initialValues" value = "1"/>
<jsp:useBean id="shootrecordbean" class="servlet.ShootRecord" scope = "session"/>   

   // ... jstl tags

2 回答 2


我将列表容量与列表大小以及数组的功能与 ArrayLists 的功能混淆了。


大小是列表中元素的数量;容量是列表可以容纳多少元素而不重新分配其内部结构。当您调用 new ArrayList(10) 时,您正在设置列表的初始容量,而不是其大小。换句话说,当以这种方式构造时,数组列表开始它的生命是空的。
于 2013-08-08T06:48:26.507 回答
    may be u r trying to add value in List at Index 1 when the u r Array List Size is Zero.

    listOfRecords.add(1, s);
    The above   statement will throw Exception if the listOfRecords.size()==0;
    So try to add values in List from Index 0;
    There is different between Capacity and Size.Capacity is the how many elements u can add in u r list and it gets incremented and size is the how many elements u r list currently poses.
So if the array list size is zero u cant start adding elements from Index 1. 
于 2013-08-08T11:24:45.440 回答