我正在尝试在早午餐骨架下使用并与我的 Rails 应用程序集成:

Sassy Brunch with Ember and CoffeeSoup

有没有办法做到这一点,所以我仍然可以在 Rails 应用程序中无缝地使用像构建和观看这样的早午餐操作?

或者我们更愿意为早午餐提供单独的前端并使用 Rails 作为 RESTful 提供者?


2 回答 2


结帐早餐宝石。它将 Brunch 无缝集成到 Rails 中。

于 2016-12-06T00:40:56.867 回答

Developing Brunch application separately from Rails application is in my opinion idiomatic way of developing web apps:

  1. Ability to synchronously develop frontend and backend. You can simply use static JSON files on your frontend (served from public/) before Rails app is ready.
  2. Ability to make frontend totally independent from backend. There can be many front ends, after all (iOS, for example).
  3. Ability to share frontend code as an example implementation of your API-using-app. In many applications (yeah not all) frontend these days is less important than the backend data itself and backend business logic. I see no reason not to provide third-party developers a convenient example app they can base they code on.
于 2013-08-08T14:13:28.000 回答