public enum HorizontalPlacement { Left, Right, Center };
public enum VerticalPlacement { Top, Bottom, Center };
/// <summary>
/// In WPF, PopUps pop up in different places on different machines (due to different "handedness" on touch-enabled screens. This fixes it.
/// See Also: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/19ef3d33-01e5-45c5-a845-d64f9231001c/popup-positioningalignments?forum=wpf
/// </summary>
public static class PopupPlacement
/// <summary>
/// Usage: In XAML, add the following to your tooltip:
/// Placement="Custom" CustomPopupPlacementCallback="CustomPopupPlacementCallback"
/// and call this method from the CustomPopupPlacementCallback.
/// </summary>
public static CustomPopupPlacement[] PlacePopup(Size popupSize, Size targetSize, Point offset, VerticalPlacement verticalPlacement, HorizontalPlacement horizontalPlacement)
Point p = new Point
X = GetHorizontalOffset(popupSize, targetSize, horizontalPlacement),
Y = GetVerticalOffset(popupSize, targetSize, verticalPlacement)
return new[]
new CustomPopupPlacement(p, PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal)
private static double GetVerticalOffset(Size popupSize, Size targetSize, VerticalPlacement verticalPlacement)
switch (verticalPlacement)
case VerticalPlacement.Top:
return -popupSize.Height;
case VerticalPlacement.Bottom:
return targetSize.Height;
case VerticalPlacement.Center:
return -(popupSize.Height/ 2) + targetSize.Height / 2;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("verticalPlacement");
private static double GetHorizontalOffset(Size popupSize, Size targetSize, HorizontalPlacement horizontalPlacement)
switch (horizontalPlacement)
case HorizontalPlacement.Left:
return -popupSize.Width;
case HorizontalPlacement.Right:
return 0;
case HorizontalPlacement.Center:
return -(popupSize.Width / 2) + targetSize.Width / 2;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("horizontalPlacement");