public interface IExecutableState {
public void execute();
public class StateMachine {
// final:
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(StateMachine.class);
// instance private:
private HashMap<String, State> validStates;
private State currentState;
// getters:
public HashMap<String, State> getValidStates() { return this.validStates; }
public State getCurrentState() { return this.currentState; }
// setters:
public void setValidStates(HashMap<String, State> validStates) {
// assign the stateMachine attribute to each State from this setter, so that Spring doesn't enter an infinite loop while constructing a Prototype scoped StateMachine.
for (State s : validStates.values()) {
// validate that the State is defined with implements IExecutableState
if (!(s instanceof IExecutableState)) {
LOGGER.error("State: " + s.toString() + " does not implement IExecutableState.");
throw new RuntimeException("State: " + s.toString() + " does not implement IExecutableState.");
LOGGER.trace("Setting stateMachine on State: " + s.toString() + " to: " + this.toString() + ".");
LOGGER.trace("Setting validStates: " + validStates.toString() + ".");
this.validStates = validStates;
public void setCurrentState(State currentState) {
if (!(currentState instanceof IExecutableState)) {
LOGGER.error("State: " + currentState.toString() + " does not implement IExecutableState.");
throw new RuntimeException("State: " + currentState.toString() + " does not implement IExecutableState.");
LOGGER.trace("Setting currentState to: " + currentState.toString() + ".");
this.currentState = currentState;
public class State {
private StateMachine stateMachine;
public StateMachine getStateMachine() { return this.stateMachine; }
public void setStateMacine(StateMachine stateMachine) { this.stateMachine = stateMachine; }
所有状态看起来像:public class <StateName> extends State implements IExecutableState { ... }
然后,使用这个模型,我想创建一个原型范围的 spring bean 来实例化 stateMachine,并为其分配所有状态。
然而,在查看了 Spring WebFlow 中可用的一些东西之后,我开始看到 WebFlows,它完美地模拟了我所寻求的状态机行为。而且,以一种允许我从 XML 创建的每个状态流的可视化表示的方式。
我发现的唯一问题是 WebFlows 用于 Web 项目/Web 应用程序/网站(无论您想将它们分类为哪个)。我正在寻找与<view-state>
您在 spring webflow 中获得的标签非常相似的东西,但是对于在 spring-core、spring-integration 或 spring-batch 项目中运行的应用程序。