在 ac 程序中使用 linux 的无线工具,我进行了网络扫描,希望找到每个检测到的网络的信号强度 (dBm)。


struct  iw_quality
    __u8        qual;       /* link quality (%retries, SNR,
                       %missed beacons or better...) */
    __u8        level;      /* signal level (dBm) */
    __u8        noise;      /* noise level (dBm) */
    __u8        updated;    /* Flags to know if updated */

我在我的 C 程序中打印出“级别”,如下所示:

printf("Transmit power: %lu ", result->stats.qual.level);



这些数字是否有可能以瓦特为单位?根据 watt->dBm 转换器,大约 178 瓦。52.50dBm ?

我应该得到什么?因为我认为 dBm 转换为 -80dBm 之类的。




我注意到一些奇怪的行为。当我通过我的程序使用 wireless.h 的 level 属性时,我记录的“最强”值约为 -50dBm,而使用同一路由器,当我运行“iw wlan0 scan”时,我收到的最强值约为 -14dBm信号。



2 回答 2



我只需要将未签名的 int 转换为已签名的 int 即可解决。


printf("Transmit power: %d ", (int8_t) result->stats.qual.level);

现在看起来像 178、200 的值变成了 -80、-69 等等!

于 2013-08-06T12:32:08.933 回答


 /* People are very often confused by the 8 bit arithmetic happening
   * here.
   * All the values here are encoded in a 8 bit integer. 8 bit integers
   * are either unsigned [0 ; 255], signed [-128 ; +127] or
   * negative [-255 ; 0].
   * Further, on 8 bits, 0x100 == 256 == 0.
   * Relative/percent values are always encoded unsigned, between 0 and 255.
   * Absolute/dBm values are always encoded between -192 and 63.
   * (Note that up to version 28 of Wireless Tools, dBm used to be
   *  encoded always negative, between -256 and -1).
   * How do we separate relative from absolute values ?
   * The old way is to use the range to do that. As of WE-19, we have
   * an explicit IW_QUAL_DBM flag in updated...
   * The range allow to specify the real min/max of the value. As the
   * range struct only specify one bound of the value, we assume that
   * the other bound is 0 (zero).
   * For relative values, range is [0 ; range->max].
   * For absolute values, range is [range->max ; 63].
   * Let's take two example :
   * 1) value is 75%. qual->value = 75 ; range->max_qual.value = 100
   * 2) value is -54dBm. noise floor of the radio is -104dBm.
   *    qual->value = -54 = 202 ; range->max_qual.value = -104 = 152
   * Jean II

level并且noise属于示例 2,并且可以通过强制转换为有符号的 8 位值来解码。

于 2013-08-06T12:42:55.370 回答