I'm developing a closed source Android application. I was using db4o to persist data on the device and I found it very easy and straightforward to use. Unfortunately I didn't get informed about it's license which is GPL until now. As far as I understood it, by using db4o in my app I would have to make it open source, which I can't do. What would be the easiest, most painless replacement for db4o under a less restictive license (Apache)?


1 回答 1


试试OrmLIte。它支持Android,运行良好,API 相对友好。它使用ISC 许可证,类似于 BSD。

另外,请注意 db40 也有商业许可证,如果这是一个选项的话。

于 2013-08-06T07:28:20.980 回答